Wednesday, November 21, 2012

My Favorite International Leading Lady

         Bonjour! Because I decided to focus on how women are progressing in the political sphere as a part of my post-election blogs. But, since it does fit in with the theme of my blogs, I decided to speak a little about the politically involved woman who I aspire to be….

Valérie Trierweiler, THE FABULOUS PARTNER OF THE PRESIDENT OF FRANCE, François Hollande!!!!!

     Okay so it may be random that I aspire to at least be half the woman that Ms. Trierweiler is now, one day, but the connection for me lies from the inspiration she gives off. Beautiful and intelligent(recieved a degree in political science), Trierweiler is a major international figure. Although her boyfriend (a President just having a girlfriend is just uncommon and unusual nowadays in America) is the PRESIDENT OF FRANCE, Ms. Trierweiler continues to a strong journalist, a political journalist , even with a position in which many serve as a conflict of interest. 

    Without even saying more, it shows how this political figure is truly an independent woman who regardless of her status, continues to pursue her true love, her career. Ms. Trierweiler could have given up the poorly paid and gritty life of a journalist in a heartbeat the second her lover became President, but she didn't. If this woman isn't the best example of a feminist….(Sorry Rosie the Riveter) 
      And although some may see her as a home wrecker and has been called many atrocities, even looked upon as one of the least popular first ladies of recent French history, but I see her as the face of the new modern woman. 

     While Trierweiler herself is quite the woman, the pairing between herself and Hollande is a match made in scholastic heaven. Since Hollande has taken office, the Socialist President has made many progressive and positive changes. One of the highlights of his presidency has included giving his support for same-sex marriage and adoptions additionally he has fought hard in the controversial battle to lower the retirement age. 

     While the pair is still young and fresh in their positions, we can only wait to see what kind of future this power political couple will be poised for in the future!


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