Tuesday, November 6, 2012


So after months and months of me Fan-Girling ((noun/informal):a female fan, especially one who is obsessive about comics, film, music, or science fiction))President Obama, today is THE day. 

What day is today you ask? Election day! Not only is today election day, it is my first time ever ever ever voting! I decided to edit this blog throughout the day since it is special, it is the last of my election themed blogs. Which means that after this blog, I will be passionately blogging about something else. 

BUTTTTTTTTTT, Until then, today I will live-blog my busy busy first ever election day off my glorious iPhone…..until I find out the final results!

7:00 AM Woke up early in order to get ready to go to the polls

7:30 AM Started my blog for the day

7:45 AM
Decided to walk to my polling location, to you know, fight childhood obesity and whatnot…the way Michelle Obama would want me to. You know me, always supporting my favorite first family!

8:03 AM Realized that I brought my Voter's card, but not my photo ID, although strict photo ID legislation was considered in Florida in 2012, it wasn't enacted like it was in other states. But still… time to return back to the house just to be safe. Still can't believe I did this….. ugh face palm moment.

8:32 AM Finally back to the polls, have everything in hand… time to get in line to vote!

8:49 AM ……Still Waiting

9:05 AM ……..This line seems to be going nowhere

9:07 AM Just overheard the people in front of me talking about how there is a problem "that there is a   black man in the white house"….why do people like this even exist

9:08 AM The annoying people in front of me just confirmed that they are voting for Romney aka R-Money bags….why is this line taking so long

9:20 AM So close yet so far to the front of the line!!!

9:23 AM They just called my precinct to go and skip the line…omg is this real life or fantasy… I'm not        even questioning this… O M G so happy right now 

9:28 AM Just got cheered on for being a first time voter!

9:40 AM JUST VOTEDDDDDDDD aye! So happy! Thank goodness I had read my sample ballot before I came because that thing was like TWELVE pages! Again, so happy I got to use my duty as a citizen of the United States exercise my right to vote! 

9:50 AM Got a ride home from my mom, getting too hot to walk… and I have to do last minute canvassing soon…oh boy, the things I do in hopes of getting my President re-elected. But yay put my "My Vote Counted!" sticker on my laptop! (as shown to the left)

10:30 AM Just got a call from my Field Organizer for the Obama campaign, there is a huge group of people going to get flyers to hand out to supporters to remind them to vote today and the Obama way. It is amazing how canvassing started out with a huge group of people in a neighborhood, but the list began to shrink as we began to seed out the supporters, even persuade people to vote our way! The fact that the end of my journey (from a 17 year old political enthusiast, to an intern,to a community organizer, to a part of a family that will be going our separate ways after this, to a part of something even bigger than myself or anyone I know) is coming near is simply put, bittersweet.

12:30 PM Just arrived at one of my Field Organizer's homes. The driveway is covered with balloons and Obama Biden lawn signs all over.

12:32 PM Just got offered cookies…yes

1:00 PM After going through the hectic storm of last minute stress in the home, we are finally off to canvass and rally our supporters, one last time, this is the home stretch. 

1:12 PM Of course the maps are completely off for the houses, even when we've been doing this for months, of course silly mistakes are bound to happen. 

1:20 PM The groups have split up and I have set foot on the concrete that will be the death of me to walk. But, I have a festive Uncle Sam hat on and star-shaped red white and blue sunglasses, so it can't be too bad.

1:31 PM So hot…..THAT BAD

1:40 PM Pleasant to hear from neighbors as I knock around telling me that they already voted for the President, such proactive supporters! 

2:15 PM LAST FLYER GIVEN OUT…. I am now retired from campaign life. Although my sleep schedule is going to benefit, this is sad to leave behind. I'll know in a few hours if it was all worth it. I'll stop live-tweeting for a little bit, just because the rest of my day will be pretty irrelivant until polls start closing around the U.S. After that, CNN will be my bff for the rest of the night!

My quick ode to Spongebob Squarepants 


7:45 PM The exit pools are proving Obama to be quite popular among latino voters, this is very surprising as he is a Democrat. Does this signify a shifting view in the voters of America?

8:30 PM
Unfortunately CNN is projecting that Republicans will continue to have a house majority. Hopefully even with this majority we will be able to get things done, unlike the past session! 

10:00 PM They keep saying Florida is going to be too close to call! Are you serious Florida? Twelve years later and we STILL can't get our act together? I even tried to change the channel from CNN out of anger and Brian Williams is on NBC saying the same thing. O K FLORIDA O K

10:09 PM At least they're showing South Florida as very blue… I may not be happy with my state but my region of Sunny South Florida is making me happy! 

11:40 PM Although Florida is still being counted…IT'S OVER R-MONEY, MY INSPIRATION, 
It's crazy to know that even if Florida hasn't been counted, to know that I helped make this happen! What is more insane is that we never pictured a scenario where Obama won without Florida AND IT HAPPENED! Literally there are tears in my eyes and I am so happy with everything right now!!!!

P.S. I know this screenshot is before he won, but it's the best one I could get as quick as possible!

Now the clock is done ticking and I shall watch Obama's acceptance speech. Still speechless and so happy that I can look back and say that I was instrumental in helping the President win… even if Florida still hasn't been counted yet *sigh* . But I cannot wait to see what this glorious man will do in the next four years! Hope you enjoyed the election updates from my first ever election! This whole election year has been an experience and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world!

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