Sunday, November 18, 2012

A whooooole new blog

       So now that the election is over, my blogs that were focused on elections unfortunately no longer hold any relevance. But with bittersweet endings come new beginnings and with new beginnings it is time for me to reference Aladdin and say that this is now a whole new blog (a whole new world…get it?). What topic will I obsess over next? The world may never know… except they will have to, since I am forced to continue writing these blogs for my AP Government class (shout out to Tanner hey hey). ….But in all seriousness, I feel as if I am now at a loss for words, literally. I have so many political passions but it seems almost impossible to get myself to just focus in on one. But, after much deliberation, it seems as if it is true, I have to move on from the election and now move on to bigger and better political posts!

So what am I really passionate about?

Politically, something that I have always been passionate has been the progression of women in the professional and political atmosphere. This past election brought to us a record amount of female faces in high political posts. The 113th Congress will have at least 20 female senators, which is the most ever. The House of Representatives with at least 77 female representatives which also led them to break records!

Another woman that we can commend after the past election year is the first openly LESBIAN Senator in United States history, Tammy Baldwin (D) from Wisconsin. Tammy formerly served in the House of Representatives for fourteen years, which also in turn gave her the highest seniority in her entering class of Senators.

Mazie Hirano has also become a milestone member by becoming the first Asian-American woman to serve in the senate!

While the state of New Hampshire became the first state to elect an all female delegation with the election of Gov. Maggie Hassan (D) and Reps. Carol Shea-Porter (D) and Ann McLane Kuster (D) to join the Senate incumbents, Jeanne Shaheen (D) and Kelly Ayotte ®.

While in this past election, women's rights were a large topic of debate, it seems that all of these women are happy and that they are following their political dreams!

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