Sunday, October 7, 2012


Before I start my post I would like to begin with a foreword for all of those who will be too lazy to read the rest of this post because they know I'm going to rant………

the picture below sums up the debate perfectly in my eyes 

But really….poor Jim Lehrer! Before I go into my remarks on the debate let me just give some background on the man who could not get a single word in at the debates this week. An active news personality on PBS since 1973 (and other networks before that), Lehrer moderated 11 debates and after 2008 swore off moderation for good. But this year he was begged to come out of retirement for his 12th and what for sure after this week's performance will be his last debate. At the University of Denver
Colorado, not only were Barack Obama and Mitt Romney under the bright lights of pressure, so was Lehrer who was after strongly criticized for his open-ended questions and lack of control on the debate, being so profusely interrupted that at one point he looked as if he was going to strangle both candidates with his appropriately colored red AND blue tie.

But anyways the debate was all about the candidates right…? So let me share my personal take on how the debates ran…

Mitt Romney: Despite his interruptions and scandalous note cards, Mitt Romney surprised many in his performance due to his self assurance and rhetorical skills, skills that have of course had much practice due to his role in the Republican primaries earlier this year.  A couple lies he did tell were about whether he had intentions of cutting education programs (which he does), the coverage of pre-existing conditions under Romney Care (eh not so much) and much more. But of course his main flop but triumph for the Obama campaign and social networkers around the world was his direct comment to Jim Lehrer stating "….I like PBS. I love Big Bird. I actually like you, too. But I’m not gonna keep on spending money on things to borrow money from China to pay for it." Which then of course caused an internet frenzy…but again not a Mitt fan but he did exceed expectations, especially for only using Reagan's name like once or twice; That is what earns the biggest kudos!

poor Big Bird

Barack Obama:  Hopeless Romantic Barack Obama started off with a cheesy but charming shout out to the first lady in honor of their 20th anniversary which of course made those who love the president gush and those who don't gag. It was clear that the president was rusty, not debating since 2008, throughout the night he was criticized for his dependence on the use of the teleprompter. Contrary to my earlier blog predictions, Obama did not attack Mitt Romney for his "47% comment" leaving Demmy's shocked everywhere. Overall the President seemed a little out of it, but that leaves us excited to see how he will bounce back in the next presidential debate. 

OVERALL: Sad enough for the Presidential fanatics like myself, although there is no scoreboard in a Presidential debate…. it hurts me to say this…so much…but Mitt Romney won the debate. If fact check was immediate on the debates word by word the way the tweets were, the outcome may have been different, but, as previously said, the president was rusty. Mitt Romney did not win on facts but because he exceeded expectations by outshining the rhetorical skills of someone who is regarded as one of the best speakers of our time. You may have won the battle Mitt… but this is WAR.

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