Sunday, October 28, 2012

Back to Blogs, Back to Reality

So the blogs are back, and while a break was fun…it's time to get some work done. Speaking of getting work done, only a few more weeks till the big day! TIME TO ROCK THE BOAT AND BARACK THE VOTE! Of course it's going to be a bit sad when I have to find another topic to write my political blog that would make any modern day politician upset due to my casual manner over such serious topics, but that's why I am one of the only teenagers that likes politics, because politics just aren't fun for anyone who don't really have a depth of understanding into them. That is why I dedicate this entry to the fictional ditzy Red White and Blonde Elle Woods, for making teenage girls and tween boys alike, have some sort of false interest in politics, even if it was completely falsified and chick-flicked out! But, speaking of rich blondes, I am brought to the man who this blog post is truly about… Donald Trump. (I use the word blonde in reference to hair lightly…since… I mean…. you know, the dead animal that he uses as a toupee on his hair that he claims isn't a toupee. 

But why do I have such an issue with Mr. Trump and what does it have to do with elections? Simple, his (and many other rich republicans) idea that you can buy constituents in an election. Of course we all remember when he himself was inquiring about running himself… but now his remarks and ideas have just gotten bizarre… This past week, the mogul Monopoly man himself, offered President Obama FIVE MILLION DOLLARS (no there weren't any accidental extra zeros added in there)  to any charity of the President's choice, in order for Mr. Donald Duck… erm I mean Trump, to get his birth certificate and college records. 

But don't just rely on me saying this, here is the direct quote from the man himself…

“I have a deal for the president, a deal that I don’t believe he can refuse, 
and I hope he doesn’t. If Barack Obama opens up and gives his college 
records and applications and if he gives his passport applications and records,
 I will give to a charity of his choice – inner city children in Chicago, 
American Cancer Society, AIDS research, 
anything he wants–a check immediately for $5 million,” 

….Trump has decided to get into the holiday spirit, outside of just his normal existence as a total Warlock, and set the deadline for Mr.President to be on Halloween at 5pm. But President Obama, not making deals with the devil, and stayed fabulous by going on Jay Leno and shared a couple laughs about the matter.

"This all dates back to when we were growing up in Kenya, we had constant run-ins on the soccer field, 
you know he wasn't very good and resented it. When we finally moved to America I thought it would be over." 
Of course, I apologize for the entire rant about the man whose hotel's we wish we could afford to stay at, but it comes together to really tell the moral of the story, or I guess blog post, that there are people in pop culture that influence our views. Whether it be Elle Woods and how we view blondes, the Trumps and how we view success in America, or even the main Trump, Donald, who has tried to spend every last cent to keep Obama from being re-elected. Either way, celebrities shape our opinions and create national attention. Although that attention usually is centered around a celebrity cocaine addiction or who Taylor Swift is dating this week (actually relevant because he is a Kennedy spawn and he is perfect because the Kennedy's are American political royalty forever), but when celebrities outreach to a candidate in an election year, it adds a lot to the table.

If it is a celebrity or celebrities that people respect and admire it can be a win

BUT SOMETIMES, well respected celebrities go wrong, DUN DUN DUN……. 

AND when the celebrities do go wrong, even if the candidate and the celebrity are not even associated outside of the celebrity's genuine support, the end result can end up harming the candidate. The public already expects celebrities to be crazy, but when that bit of crazy even accidentally gets associated with a candidate or a public figure, that crazy image sticks with them like the rest of their dirty pasts that are feautured in hate ads across the Land of the Free and Home of the People who want to throw out their televisions because all they see is either hate ads or PSA's against animal abuse from the Humane Society. 

All in all, the public should not rely on celebrities and pop culture to make their political experiences pleasurable and worthwhile. But I end this very scattered blog post with a PSA from the heavily 
Hollywood STAR supported organization that I recently had the pleasure of working with, Rock the Vote! Rock the Vote is an organization that I applaud for holding events, like the one I worked at recently, that include everything from free music by popular names in music, to free giveaways like bags and t-shirts and many more things all accompanied by literature and information about the general right to vote. It is non-partisan and all it wants is for young people to get out there and be inspired to get informed and VOTE! This organization encourages celebrities to use their fan followings for good by uniting their fans across party lines, all while making voting seem like the coolest thing for an able-bodied young adult to do. 

OK… I had to leave and finish this post with ONE more thing……

Mister Legally Blonde Donald Duck 

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