Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Uninformed Voter

          To this date I have registered 117 voters and have always stressed the fact that voting is a civil duty and a privilege. There is no doubt that voter registration has assisted in raising the amount of people voting in previous elections...

but voter registration is a double edged sword. That sword can bring on the worst of the worst, the tyrants of our country…THE UNINFORMED VOTER. *cue dramatic music*. The uninformed voter is the biggest terrorist to our country. This is because uninformed voters make uninformed decisions. 
          Uninformed may just have to do with being naive. Although 34% of Americans watch the news, there is a lot of power when having to do with what news channel they choose to watch. Fox news is famous for its conservative bias while one should also note that a Republican would probably not get caught watching Al Gore-Founded Current TV
          I saw an example of this weaponry the other day when I was doing voter registration and I met a man who referred to himself as a "Former Marine America Lovin' Redneck" and fought with my Organizing for America volunteers about why there should not be a BLACK president in the WHITE house. It's 2012 people! It is this sort of ignorance that harms our nation, in addition to people who believe that Obama has a war on religion just like former Republican presidential candidate, Rick Perry. 
          The only people who could save us from this wave of uninformed voters is the people themselves. It is the civic duty of all people who have the power to vote to make informed and educated decisions.  Whether that comes from watching and reading non-bias news or by fact checking bizarre information in the media, or even just willing to get to know the candidates platforms. But, if a person does not understand that, there is only so much you can do. You can't fix stupid.

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