Sunday, September 30, 2012


Rico Suave at his finest

As an aspiring journalist I am FED UP with the lack of media coverage for the Libertarian Party's Presidential nominee Gary Johnson! YES I love Obama, but listen here as I steal the words from someone who critiques how the '08 election went *cue whiny voice* "Most of the young kids voted for Obama because they thought he was young and cool"… K! So in this election the man who early on was sweeping the college campuses was actually the oldest man in the race ….. SO WHAT HAPPENED? Was Ron Paul and his message of "ReLOVEution" just a phase among college students and potsmokers alike? 

I think these are some questions that nominee Gary Johnson should be asking, because to this day there are still people who will make their Facebook statuses and tweet "RonPaul2012". The media attention on Ron Paul wasn't even that strong for a man who has been running since 1988. BUT the media drought for Gary Johnson has gotten so strong that his main fundraising goal on his official campaign page states "LET'S GET GARY ON TV!". With a political advertisement that makes him seem like the messiah to America.

So who is Gary Johnson?

Well, Gary Johnson is the former Republican governor of New Mexico from 1995-2003. He has had over 750 vetoes in office and got the nickname "Governor Veto". He holds fiscally conservative  views such as "slashing" government spending on programs like Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid; but holds socially progressive views like same-sex marriage, drug decriminalization, and pro-choice when it comes to a woman's right to choose to have an abortion. 

He is not my candidate, he may not be everyone's candidate, but I believe it is unfair to the lack of TV publicity he gets. This goes for many other third-party candidates… how can they get more airspace? 

Of course the media gives the people what they want by showing the candidates most relevant to the viewers but in a media-dominated world, AIRSPACE MEANS EVERYTHING, just look at the amount of money spent in battle-ground states on commercials by the democrats and republicans and compare it to set states, you get a difference in millions of dollars. 

So all I am saying is, we need to demand for more coverage of MORE candidates like Gary Johnson… because at this moment there is another Gary that has much more consistent media coverage than him…..


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