Sunday, September 9, 2012

Bill of Rights Nessecity

     The Bill of Rights was a part of the constitution that was requested by anti-federalists in order for ratification. These rights are the first 10 amendments to the constitution which includes things like freedom of speech and religion.
      Although I would have myself been a Federalist if I was in existence at that time, I do agree and sympathize with the request for a Bill of Rights. Without a Bill of Rights we would have no guarantee that we would not have leaders overstep their boundaries. Without a Bill of Rights we wouldn't have established the civil rights of the people, before the actual "literal" civil rights movement of the 1960s. Without a Bill of Rights it would be very possible for somebody to expand the government for their own personal gain in order to grow their power and influence.
      The Bill of Rights is a group of Amendments that Americans should at least attempt to learn while living out in the hectic lifestyle out in the real world. All Americans should know what their rights are in order to protect those rights, to be able to put up a fight for what they believe in and for their freedoms.

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