Thursday, January 10, 2013

Final Government Blog Post!

1. My final blog allowed me to achieve all that I had planned on originally achieving with the blogs. Because I believe that politics are fun, it was often easy for me to stray from the serious political topics. My final blog summed up all that I wanted my blog to be political and fun.
2. My blog went through a flip-flop roller coaster evolution. Initially for all of my posts, I would get carried away with random rants. While my academic book oriented blogs varied mainly based on my interest in the topic, my blogs about the election were always fun to write, especially since I was taking part in all the action. After the election ended, my blogs kind of hit a lull, as I was completely unsure of what to write about.  As my blog developed I began using more multimedia (Gallup Organization ,Hillary 2016 etc) Generally, my interest level in the topic definitely could be seen through the amount of effort put in a specific blog (ie Veto Power vs How Seriously are we Taking Shows like the Daily Show?)
3. It's hard to decide on which entry was my best, but my favorites to write were LAST DAY OF CANVASSING / ELECTION DAY! and surprisingly my First Political Blog Post. These were my favorites because I really had the chance to put a lot of myself into the blog posts. My experiences working on the campaign taught me so much about government and allowed me to make some lifelong friends. For some reason, one of my favorite blogs was also my blog about the famous Gallup Organization , because I feel as if I truly learned a lot while I was writing it. All these blogs still resonate today because my experiences working on a campaign and as a first time voter are unforgettable, but the Gallup entry still resonates because Gallup is an organization that has survived so much history.
4. If I had the chance to do it differently I would probably focus more on picking content from the textbook, especially early on, that I had more interest in. Additionally, I would just spend one day doing  two blogs rather than splitting it up, because it made it less like fun and more like a daunting task. I suggest novice bloggers just have fun with it and let their voice shine through their writing!

…well that's it

That's all she wrote. 

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