Sunday, December 30, 2012


            When it comes to women in politics, there’s a lot for us local South Floridians to be proud of with Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz. Not only is she a strong female voice that was very instrumental in the re-election of president Obama, Wasserman-Schultz also serves as the chairperson for the DNC. Although I personally do not remember the first time that Mrs. Wasserman-Schultz ran, but I have heard stories of how she was very reliant on walking the streets of the her district and getting to know the people, a quality that can be seen as a virtue.
            In addition to her quick rise in the past 8 years to the DNC chair, she also made history as the first Jewish Congresswoman ever elected in Florida.  Her dedication to her Jewish heritage gives us a deeper look into the family values that Mrs. Wasserman-Schultz holds. Her and Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania were instrumental in getting May declared as “Jewish American Heritage Month”. Additionally, she helped to form the National Jewish Democratic Council and served some time on the regional board of the American Jewish Congress. Her dedication to her roots have shined the brightest in times of disparity, specifically when it  has come to the Middle Eastern conflict. Although Democrats have been accused of being “Anti-Israel”, Wasserman-Schultz has on multiple occasions, fought back against these accusations.
            Personally having heard Debbie speak on behalf of President Obama in his travels around Florida, I was very impressed with how she overall carried herself. The second she hit the stage; she graced the audience with poise and class. Not only was she trying to help President Obama get re-elected; she herself was trying to get re-elected.
            The woman that most recently ran against her was the daughter of a local restaurant owner, Karen Harrington. When I got to speak personally with Karen and her volunteers about why Karen deserved to win, they could not come up with strong enough answers against Mrs. Wasserman-Schultz.
            Who knows what heights Mrs. DWS will reach, but all we know is that the limit is endless.

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